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Said and Done - Nuno Ramos

Instituto Ling


We interviewed the renowned artist Nuno Ramos and created a documentary on his exposition on the Ling Institute, Said and Done: to the living. We also directed a Youtube live streaming of this occasion, produced the photographs for the printed catalogue and created an exclusive soundtrack for the documentary.

With curatorship by Tiago Mesquita, the exposition brought together an exclusive new performance, created expecially for the cultural center in Porto Alegre, and 11 other works: the movie Iluminai os Terreiros, the audio installation Carolina, that had been on the Tomie Othake Institute in 2006, along with other 9 works presented during the carreer of this artist, who is a painter, sculptor, writer, filmmaker, cenographer and composer. 

Exhibited at Instituto Ling in 2021.

direction: CAIO AMON
cinematography: EDU RABIN
camera direction: RAFA TRINDADE
editing: CAIO AMON
original soundtrack: CAIO AMON


EROICA conteúdo is a creative production studio specialized in media content for the business of culture, music and art. We offer concept, audiovisual and graphic design for artists, institutions, festivals and projects.

+55 51 991510162 
Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil

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