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13ª Bienal do Mercosul Copiar

Fundação Bienal de Artes do Mercosul


We did the whole coverage of the 13th Mercosul Biennial's mediators formation course, recording 10 lectures in total. At the end of the course, we produced a series of 35 short videos following mediations on the Biennial's artworks. 

Watch the complete compilation of the short videos here.

concept and direction: CAIO AMON
camera and editing: MARCELO FREIRE


EROICA conteúdo is a creative production studio specialized in media content for the business of culture, music and art. We offer concept, audiovisual and graphic design for artists, institutions, festivals and projects.

+55 51 991510162 
Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil

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  • YouTube da EROICA conteúdo
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