Decupagem - Iole de Freitas
Instituto Ling
We produced a documentary commissioned by Instituto Ling about the career of renowned artist Iole de Freitas, on the occasion of her exhibition Decoupage, at the Institute's cultural center. We also created an original soundtrack for this production.
Curated by João Bandeira, the exhibition brought together 26 works and 90 documents that present the artistic path of Iole de Freitas in more than 40 years of activity. The show included the artist's first works from Minas Gerais, created in the 1970s in Super 8; going through investigations of real space, which sought to integrate the works with the architectural environment in the 1980s; and by the most recent productions, in cut stainless steel structure. It also featured sculptures in various other materials, such as copper and brass wire, as well as photographs, models and drawings.
direction, editing and sountrack: CAIO AMON